The German Society of Pennsylvania is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization governed by a 15-member Board of Directors that supports the officers of the Society. The Board meets 5 times per year September through May while the Executive Committee (composed of the officers) meets in alternate months, also 5 times per year, October through June. Standing or specialized committees, typically headed by a Vice President, are responsible for planning and implementing various programs and activities. The key committees cover: Music, Arts, Library, Finance, Information Technology, Marketing/Events, Membership, Capital Projects, Maintenance, Planning/Nominating, Scholarship, Film, and Personnel. A copy of our By-Laws can be downloaded here.

Officers and Executive Committee

Mark McGuigan

Jackie Binstead

Assistant Treasurer
Lew Volgenau

Bill Hardham

Vice President of Advancement
Ernie Weiler

Vice President of Operations
Tony Michels

VP of Strategic Planning
Christine Stenner


Directors, Class of 2025
Daniel Lippard
Monika Moyrer
Karin Volkwein-Caplan
Ralf Wiedemann
Eric Zillmer

Directors, Class of 2026
Christina Frei
Helga Halbfass
Del Hausman
Hans Mueller
Jim Niessen

Directors, Class of 2027
Ed Cattell
Maiken Scott
Stephanie Vogel
Hardy von Auenmueller
Daniel Wiese

President Emeritus

James Mundy
Hardy von Auenmueller
Ernest Weiler
Tony Michels


Executive Director
Liesl Jandrey

Interim Office Manager/Event Coordinator
Anett Mindermann

Office Administrator
Kelley Dahlen

Bettina Hess