Since 2010, a monthly Buchclub has been meeting at the German Society on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 1:30pm. We strive for a mix of recent literature and "the classics" - think from Kleist and Fontane to Herta Müller and Daniel Kehlmann - with one condition: our selection has to be available in translation. We're interested in literature originally published in German, but we also want the book club to be open to those who don't feel that comfortable reading a whole book in German. The same holds true for our discussions - they're in German if that works best for the participants, but if somebody prefers English, we're not going to pretend we don't understand! So please contact the office if you're interested in joining our group, and bring your suggestions for what we should read next ...
Here is a sample of recent book club selections:
- Günter Grass, Die Blechtrommel/The Tin Drum
- Wolfgang Herrndorf, Tschick/Why We Took the Car
- Jana Hensel, Zonenkinder/After the Wall
- Marlen Haushofer, Die Wand/The Wall
- Thomas Brussig, Helden wie wir/Heroes like us
- Heinrich Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum/The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum
- Anna Seghers, Das siebte Kreuz/The Seventh Cross