GHI Summer Fellowship Program

The German Historical Institute sponsors fellowships of up to four weeks for PhD. and M.A. students to do research at the Horner Library. Click here to see a list of previous fellows and their research topics.

Digitized Materials from the Collections

Selected rare items from the collections are being digitized in collaboration with other libraries on an ongoing basis.

German Society of Pennsylvania Historical Newspaper Collection at the University of Pennsylvania

Women's Auxiliary of the German Society of Pennsylvania early records

PACSCL Diaries Project - Diary of Arno Silge, Accession No. 1992-01


Villanova Digital Library - Selected World War I-related materials from the German Society's manuscript collection

Ms. Coll. 11 - John Ballier scrapbook (Box 4)

Other Partners

Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania Logo
Germantown Historical Society Logo

Pacscl Logo

German Historical Institute Logo