Friday Film Fest: Einfach mal was Schönes (2022)
Fri. May. 17, 2024 - 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Karoline Herfurth directs, produces and plays the part of the leading female protagonist in this movie. Karla, a radio moderator, is in her late 30’s and desperately wants to start a family yet she cannot find a suitable man. So she decides to do it alone and use a sperm donor to have a baby. But then she meets Ole, a hospital nurse to whom she is strongly attracted. But Ole is only 28 and doesn’t want to have kids yet. With Karla’s biological clock ticking ever louder this romantic comedy oscillates between “Torschlusspanik”, horror dates and a beautiful love story. It includes slapstick comedic moments during a dream wedding and a hospital stay that lead to a thoughtful ending with a creative solution to the interpersonal conflicts.
German with English Subtitles
German with English Subtitles