Friday Film Fest: Frau Müller muss weg!

Fri. Oct. 14, 2016 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Join us in the German Society's Ratskeller for another fabulous Friday Film Fest! Coffee, cake, and homemade soup is included in the price of admission. In this comedy by Sönke Wortmann, the parents of 4th grade students at an elementary school in Dresden are unhappy. They are concerned about the impact of falling grades upon their children’s chances to be advanced to the Gymnasium next year. They decide to force the teacher, Mrs. Müller, to give up this class. They convene one Saturday to meet with her in the school. What at first seems like a very straightforward situation devolves into a surprising ending. The denouement sheds painful and humorous light on the complex relationships involved. Mrs. Muller must negotiate between the demands of helicopter parents, the needs of their children and a teacher’s duty to be fair and supportive in a highly selective school system. The film will be shown in German with English subtitles.
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